Darul Ulum Sher-e-Khoda Kowmi Madrasa: Raja Nagar (Amir Nagar), Teghoria, Post Office: Raja Nagar, Shirajdikhan, Munshiganj
The Madrasa established in it’s one half acre land with half semi Pucca building. The institute is imparting religious education following Noorani and Deobondh Hafezi syllabus. This education up to standard eight and planned to open standard nine in near future. There are nine teacher engaged in teaching in the Madrasa.
In 2017 education year about 94 + 20 students are studying in “Kitab”and “Hafez” section respectively.
At present, the madrasa has tin shed rooms. The Foundation has taken initiative for constructing a 6 storied building complex. Architectural plan and Structural design have been completed. We are waiting for generous Muslims to donate funds necessary for completion of construction.