All muslims while following Islamic teachings must be willing to share his wealth, time and energy for other fellow human beings to breed freindship, solidarity and love paving the way for a peaceful globe to earn “Rezamandi” of Allah RabbulAlamin

Chairman Massage
Those who search for real enlightened and righteous path of Islam and at the same time would like to make some meaningful contribution to the upliftment of the disheveled people of Bangladesh may kindly take some time off and peruse the following pages which might give them a hope in the direction they are aspiring for.
It is pertinent to mention that all Muslims should also engage thyself in “Khidmat-e-Khalk” (service to humanity) as well as practicing “Hukkul Ibad” for the gracious favor of Almighty Allah as it is the only way to get “Najat” from the wrath of Allah in life hereafter. All Muslims while following Islamic teachings must be willing to share his wealth, time and energy for other fellow human beings to breed friendship, solidarity and love paving the way for a peaceful globe to earn “Rezamandi” of Allah Rabbul Alamin.
The following pages contains summary of the welfare activities undertaken by Siddiq Akbar Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Our foundation apart from imparting religious education carries out different educational and welfare oriented program in different parts of Bangladesh. We have about 28 projects throughout Bangladesh of which small descriptions is mentioned below:
I firmly believe that going through the dossier you will be interested to join us in our humble endeavor to help the humanity and imbibe religious spirit among us.
Sincerely Yours
Siddiq Akbar Foundation and Khanka Shirajia
About us
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious
Sura Al-Hadid (57:11): wherein Allah Rabbul Alamin ordains: “who is he that will loan to Allah (Rabbul Alamin) a beautiful loan For (Allah) will increase it manifold to his credit, And he will have a liberal and great reward"
This beautiful and true appeal of Allah Rabbul Alamin is the mainstream strength and to acquire Allah’s gratitude and reward both here and hereafter life, “Siddiq Akbar Foundation” the religious and welfare organization was established by Ala Hazrat Bhai Abdul Hannan Rahimi (rah) in 1985. Bhai Abdul Hannan Rahimi (rah) was popularly revered and known as “Peer Shaheb and Bhaiya Huzur” of Khanka Sirajia of Shankar, Dhaka. The organization was named after the most favorite “Khalifa” of our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), Hazrat Abu BakarSiddiq (r) to spread the teachings of our Prophet and offer religious and welfare service to the humanity.
History of Khanka Shirajia
Prior to formal establishment of Siddiq Akbar Foundation, the first Peer Waliey Kamel Dr. Sayed Mohammed Ali (rah) was directed and sent by his Peer Waliey Hazrat Moulana Khan Muhammad (rah) to Bangladesh in 1967. Dr, Sayed Mohammad Ali (rah) established Khanka Shirajia upon his arrival. He initiated many religious activities in Khanka located at Mirpur, offered Islamic teachings to his followers and started health service in 1972 for the poor people at different places in Bangladesh. Of those ones the “Nature Cure Homeo Clinic" was started as free treatment clinic with free medicines. This clinic has served about 100,000 thousand poor patients since its establishment in 1972. The same clinic service is still being continued by Siddiq Akbar Foundation. At later stage the “Nature Cure Clinic” services was expanded in different parts of Bangladesh.
The committee of Siddiq Akbar Foundation took over all affairs and properties of Khanka Shirajia in 2004. Presently, the Khanka Shirajia and the Siddiq Akbar Foundation is led by Hazrat Moulana Aziz Ahmed Sahib (Peer Gadinashin) who has stressed the need for expansion and provide efficacious service to people in need and focusing the pace of service.
Our mission is to imbibe and infuse the spirit of true Islamic teachings to all followers of Islam, to reach proper Islamic education, culture and values among us and to provide vocational training, health service and fellow feeling for the believers and serve the suffering humanity.